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Raise Your Flag

Tags: Solidarity, Israel engagement, Terror


"A flag, what is that? A stick with a rag on it? No, sir, a flag is more than that.
With a flag one can lead men wherever one wants to, even into the Promised Land.
For a flag men will live and die." Theodore Herzl.

Let us RAISE OUR FLAGS in every window, on every car, in every school, synagogue, home, office, in private or in public and let the world know we are ONE and we will respond and act as ONE.


The Israel Forever Foundation raises their Flag of Israel in a show of pride, hope,
strength, and unity. Join us in making a statement to the world!


While citizens are being attacked all over Israel, and our brethren are being forced to live under constant terror, NOW is the time for us to share our voices as proud Virtual Citizens of Israel and to increase awareness all over the world, among our friends, colleagues, throughout our communities, and around the world.

Another word for degel flag is nes, which in Hebrew also means “miracle.”

The sons of Israel shall camp, each by his own flag, with the signs of their fathers’ households; they shall camp around the tent of meeting at a distance.” - Numbers 2:2

The Midrash (rabbinic literature) teaches that God arranged that the flags of the tribes corresponded to the flag of the ministering Angels in Heaven. This was considered to be an act of love and affection towards the Jewish people. The Midrash cites a verse to prove this was so. “And how do we know that the distribution of flags was a great demonstration of love for the Jewish people?… as the verse [Song of Songs 2:4] says, “He brought me to the chamber of Torah delights and clustered my encampments about Him in love.”

a flag declares its holder’s mission. For example, although the IDF has its own flag, every unit in the IDF has its own flag as well, which declares that unit’s specific mission in the IDF: Air Force, Artillery, Engineering, Tanks, and more.

May we all raise our distinct flags alongside each other, finding ourselves in the tapestry of the Jewish people.

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Tags: Solidarity, Israel engagement, Terror