

Israel Songs

Snow on My City

Tags: Music, Jerusalem, Food, Religion

Music and Lyrics by Naomi Shemer

Snow over my city, resting all the night.
Sheleg al iri kol halaila nach.
My love has gone to the warm lands.
El artzot hachom ahuvi halach.
Snow over my city, and the night is cold.
Sheleg al iri vehalaila kar.
From the warm countries he will bring me a date.
Me'artzot hachom li yavi tamar.

The honey of the fig, the sweetness of carob.
Dvash hate'eina, metek hecharuv.
And a caravan of camels laden with all good things.
Ve'orchat gmalim amusei kawl tuv.
Surely my heart's sun will return here.
Heina shuv yashuv shemesh levavi.
And from there, he will bring an orange.
Umisham tapuach zahav yavi.

Snow over my city, resting like a tallit.
Sheleg al iri nach kmo talit.
From the warm lands, what have you brought me?
Me'artzot hachom ma heveita li?
Snow on my city, snow on my face.
Sheleg al iri, sheleg al panai.
And within the fruit are all my longings.
Uvetoch hapri kawl ga'agu'ai.

10 Words to Learn

snow - sheleg - שלג
night - laila - לילה
lands - arutzot - ארצות
my love - ahuvi - אהובי
date - tamar - תמר
honey - dvash - דבש
sun - shemesh - שמש
apple - tapuah - תפוח  
the fruit - haparai - הפרי
my face - panai - פני

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Tags: Music, Jerusalem, Food, Religion

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