

Lone Soldier Blog

Chanukah Letters to Lone Soldiers

Tags: People and Society, Education, Chanukah, Music, Jewish Identity, Soldiers and Defense

By Adam Kwestel

Café Chabad Event

For Veteran’s Day in the United States, the students of Chabad at Hofstra commemorated the day at their weekly Café Chabad event.

The initial plan was to write letters to veterans at one of the local VA Hospitals. One student, the current Chabad at Hofstra Treasurer, wanted to add a Jewish element to the program. He suggested that the students write letters to Lone Soldiers serving in Israel to thank them for their service to Am Yisrael.

The meeting was a success and students had the chance to write letters to American soldiers as well as postcards to Lone Soldiers.

Jacob Maiyme (class of 2018) said that he felt an obligation to brighten up the lives of soldiers in Israel and this program gave him the opportunity to do so and allowed him to express his thanks.

The project didn’t end there. The postcards were distributed to students throughout the week and a stack was brought to the Hofstra Hillel office for students to fill out. The project ended up being one of the first to involve both of the Jewish organizations on campus and hopefully will not be the last.

“It was really nice to see everyone involved in this project. It just goes to show you that all Jews feel a connection to Israel and appreciate everything the IDF does to defend the land of Israel”, said the project’s creator.

Mariah Brown, president of Chabad at Hofstra, said that she liked how easy it was to show her support for Lone Soldiers. She said that students were willing to participate because they could easily fill out a card at Café Chabad or grab one on the way to and from class.

On behalf of Chabad at Hofstra and the entire student body at Hofstra, both Jewish and secular, we would like to thank The Israel Forever Foundation for supplying the postcards and mailing them to Israel.

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Tags: People and Society, Education, Chanukah, Music, Jewish Identity, Soldiers and Defense

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