Recent historic breakthroughs have introduced a new hope for peace in the Middle East. Following the lead of the first two Arab League countries who entered into peace agreements with Israel – Egypt in 1979 and Jordan in 1994 – the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Sudan, and Morocco each did so in 2020. Time will tell if the dove of peace will touch down in the hearts and minds of the Arab people across the region and whether or not these winds of change will result in a further departure from the decades-old Arab League mandates of hatred against Israel.
The fact remains that since the emergence of the modern Zionist movement in the nineteenth century, the idea of the reestablishment of the Jewish national home in its ancient land has been under assault. The Bloody Price of Freedom traces the battle the democratic State of Israel has faced for its existence since its legally sanctioned establishment in 1948.
The book analyzes the insidious attacks; maligning worldwide propaganda; economic, academic, and other boycotts; as well as the misapplication of international law in the United Nations and elsewhere that have been leveraged against Israel. A special section on the International Court of Justice’s 2004 nonbinding advisory opinion on the construction of Israel’s terrorism-prevention security fence includes detailed illustrative maps.
This meticulously documented volume is essential reading for anyone interested in standing against the demonization of Israel and Antisemitic attacks upon the Jewish people.

“A must-read for anybody who is committed to fight for justice and against antisemitism in its new form of anti-Zionism.”
Brig. Gen (ret.) Yossi Kuperwasser
Former Director-General, Israel Ministry of Strategic Affairs
“No one can truly understand the present without a comprehensive knowledge of the past. The Bloody Price of Freedom not only offers its readers a review of important historical facts, it also uniquely shows how seemingly unrelated events are fundamentally interlinked. While most are aware of the Arab boycott, the BDS movement, the rise in worldwide antisemitism, terrorism, and its numerous horrific casualties, as well as the absence of peace between Israel and its neighbors, Richard Heideman does an incredible job of explaining how they are all connected. Regardless of your political views, this book will offer you a fresh perspective and invaluable information meant to help advance what we all desire most – peace, freedom, and truth.”
Yifa Segal
Former Chair and CEO, The International Legal Forum
“The Bloody Price of Freedom is essential reading for anyone wishing to fully understand the global terrorist, economic, and legal assault on Israel. Richard Heideman’s well-researched volume, offering new insights, takes you inside international efforts to demonize the Jewish state and proffers a pathway and strong defense in response to Israel’s enemies.”
Daniel S. Mariaschin
CEO, B’nai B’rith International
"The Bloody Price of Freedom is the book to have for any person who [requires] accurate information against arguments promoting anti-Semitism, boycotts against Israel, attacks against Zionism and Judaism, and cries that Israel is an apartheid state. Richard D. Heideman, attorney and longtime Jewish activist and community leader, provides concise and factually accurate arguments concerning historical events dating back to the anti-Israel actions of the Arab League in 1945, even prior to the creation of the State of Israel. For over seventy-five years, the Arab League has tried to eliminate the Jewish state and its citizens through military, economic, academic, and political diplomatic means.
Whether you are a community or spiritual leader, student, or advocate of Israel’s rights and the freedom of Jews everywhere to live in peace, you must own a copy of this answer book based on legal facts."
Nachman Klieman
Author and terror survivor, Neve Tsuf/Ashkelon, Israel