

Celebrating Israel

After The Seder: Passing Over Into Israel

Tags: Land and Nature, Passover, Israel Engagement, Tradition

The swarm on Jerusalem, Passover 1911

Throughout the generations, Jews have flocked to Jerusalem to honor the holiday of Passover.

Walk into the Judean Desert 1954

We have ventured out into the desert, the mountains, along the beaches and into our beloved cities and towns in celebration of our return to our ancient homeland where the freedom achieved on Passover was truly fulfilled.

Maaleh Tzeelah Hike 1955

This land- so ripe with history. It has stories to tell, memories to keep, traditons to protect and legacies to share.

The uniqueness of Israel becomes familiar to all who walk here. An undeniable yet indefinable power.

Photo by Uriel Sinai

The spirit, the mind, and the body are all awakened by this something special that emanates from the stones and the stories.

We proclaim at the Passover Seder that we should remember the story of the Exodus from Egypt as if we were released from bondage ourselves

First Pesach Harvest 1960

So too should we remember that our connection to the Children of Israel is linked with our connection to the Land of Israel, where today we finally have a state of our own that protects that very freedom.

Although you may be far away, keep the joy of Israel in your heart.

Our mission is to help you feel an ongoing connection. We look forward to another year of helping you celebrate and strengthen your commitment to our one and only Jewish State.

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Tags: Land and Nature, Passover, Israel Engagement, Tradition