

Get Involved


In today’s world, working together is the way we can reach the most people and have the greatest impact for our Jewish people. Sponsorship can be a great way to promote your business, attract new clients and support the important work of Israel Forever.

By sponsoring an Israel Forever event, printing and distribution of resources, or one of our many options for you to be featured, you are showing your commitment to our shared mission of celebrating and strengthening our collective connection as Am Yisrael.

Opportunities for your personal sponsorship include:

Signature branding opportunities:

  • Israel ForeverLive program mentioned sponsor $1800
  • Co-sponsorship on an initiative $3600
  • Exclusive Named program $10,000

Sponsor an Israel Forever Resource Booklet: publication and disbursement, global or to a specific community/school

  • Exclusive Sponsor: $3600
  • Co-sponsor: $1200

There are many ways we can work together to put your investment in the right place. We are committed to developing a mutually positive partnership experience both for you as the sponsor and for our members. We work with you to customize your preferred sponsorship, to meet specific marketing objectives, and to reach the most relevant target audience from among our members with the best-suited content to match your interests.

Please contact us for more information. We will be pleased to answer your questions and support the growth of your brand!


Sponsors of Israel Forever simultaneously promote their business, get recognized for their services, and expand the impact of our important work for the Jewish world by growing our global community of Virtual Citizens of Israel. As a sponsor of any level, you are able to be recognized for your unique contribution to helping more Jews feel connected, inspired, and proud of their relationship with Israel and with Israel Forever.

Our content and programming are housed on our virtual database, available to all members of our community and the world, and ready to be used in any setting. Your gift can make it possible for more people to have a printed resource they can use, a set of educational resources a particular school otherwise would not be able to receive, a range of benefits that we would not be able to offer without your generosity.

We value our partnerships with corporate and individual donors alike, and we make every promise to serve as good stewards of your generous investment.