


The Israel Forever Bar Mitzvah Project

Tags: Causes

In every community, in every Jewish home, the young preteen awaits… the dreaded Bar or Bat Mitzvah project. What are the options? Where do they start? More work???

With Israel Forever, we offer you a way to empower your youth to make tzedakah a value that they make personal in every way.

The Israel Forever Bar Mitzvah Project is designed to encourage exploration into Israel by uncovering the elements that each individual bar or bat mitzvah connects with. By helping them channel their interests, revealing the connection to the land, people, heritage of our nationhood that will forever remain a part of their Jewish identity.

The Bar and Bat Mitzvah experience can be imbued with new meaning, and new inspiration for the challenges they face as Jews today. The connection with the story, and translating into something relevant today, will encourage them to protect the historical truth when faced with lies, even if they have yet to be able to walk the sacred soil of the Land of Israel or experience the dynamic beauty of today in the modern Jewish state.

I was amazed to watch my son tackle his mitzvah project with such interest. He really loved the opportunity to be in charge of the decisions he could make on what to do, where to give. It was a great experience!
-- Jamie’s mom

When we watched the video of messages from the soldiers, we all got choked up. They were from everywhere - lone soldiers who came to our homeland to serve… it felt so good to make a difference, and my son will never forget what a special tzedakah project he made happen.

This project touched many, in ways we did not anticipate, and for that we are proud and happy to have played a part in bringing it together. Amir, Pelleg, Betsy, Nadav and Ronen Graupe



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Tags: Causes